Tuesday, September 16, 2014

My Ignited Experience! Part 1: Tony Robbins :D

So every year, the company that we are partnered with throws a big International Convention in Salt Lake City. They have won several Stevie awards for Best Live Event. Every year, you wonder how are they going to one up this year. At the 20th Anniversary convention, they gave every single one of us attending ipads so we could share the truehealthassessment that they came out with! This year, Tony Robbins headlined the star studded cast of speakers, along with Brendon Bruchard, Jen Groover, Denis Waitley and Dr. Oz!

Since it is over and you can't attend it this year, I thought I would share highlights! (Let me know if you would like to attend next year!  Literally 3 days worth of amazing training for $239.) So, I'll share in the order I experienced it...

He spoke from the stage...
and then got down into the crowd!

So Friday morning started with Anthony Robbins and an unusual 90 minute seminar (if you'd like to do his 50 hour seminar in Dallas October 23-26, 2014, let me know & I may be able to get you special pricing!) We had donated $10 to The True Health Foundation for seats right on the floor in the Celebration Zone for this session and wow, were they worth it! When Tony Robbins came out, you could feel the excitement! We all have the potential to electrify a crowd like that - he shared with us a couple of things to help us be able to do that!

It all starts with a Strategy - a Plan - a System. Call it what you want - it's like laying out the tracks for the rail road, the highways for cars. You must build a brand. And then, Do more for others than anyone else does consistently! We must overcome our fears and concerns and share what we have to offer. Reality is the key - you must first believe in yourself and all that you offer and then others will follow suit! When you have this set, you know where you are going and it is easier to get others to see it too! 

Ahhhhhhhhh....wooh! :D
We must put ourselves in peak state. This helps us to become a greater influencer. Before meeting with someone, get your mind set and the rawness of enthusiasm and passion will carry you through any mistakes you might make! Think of when you are in love - Nothing is wrong - all is right in the world - you'll do anything for that person! This is a great peak state to be in! (So right now, stand up and jump up & down and scream WOOOOooooOOOOhhh! for 10 seconds. Yes, even if you are in Starbucks! You will meet some great people who want to know what you are reading! Now, how do you feel - incredible, right!? If not, do it again until you do and quit being so hard - have fun! We only get one chance to do this life - let's do it right!) On a sheet of paper, draw a line down the middle - now, take a minute and write down all the emotions you feel daily - positive on the left and negative on the right - Go! How many did you get!? Is there a balance of emotions - interesting, huh!? See what happens the next time you have a meeting and put yourself in Peak State first! There is magic in it! :D

So what is your story? We must share our story to connect with others - it is important that we are clear what our story is to truly share it! Our story is our Vision - our driving force that lights the way to our desires. De-sire at its Latin roots means "Of the Father." So take time out and make it crystal clear so you can have uber-focus(my word for it) to your destination of success!
What is your limiting story? You know the one! The one that keeps us from living up to our true potential. Our reason for not achieving the things we want to but just never get around to. Write it down right now - this blog does not time out. DOdooDOdoDOdooDoo DOdoDOdoDO-doDOdoDOdo DOdooDOdoDOdooDoo-DO-do-DO-do-DO-do-DO duhnduhn (yes, this is totally the Jeopardy music, but if you need more time, take it - this is important!)
NOW, are you ready for this!? Ready or not, here it comes...
Divorce the limitations you set on yourself! Focus on what you do want and Let it Go - Let it Go! the limitations, that is! This is going to take lots of action, focus - get really clear on what you want in life and Go For It! Do it with emotional intensity and WIT - Whatever It Takes - attitude! All the while giving yourself and others grace as God gives us! If you fall, and we most definitely will a couple times, we just get back up remind ourselves of the purpose and vision that we have set before ourselves and go until we are there. It's all about our passion that we put into it!

Here is the Success Cycle: The more we live to our potential --> the more apt we are to take action --> and get results which builds --> belief in ourselves and others belief in us which creates certainty, thus us living more to --> our potential and --> so on and --> so on...-->!

People respond to certainty! & Perfect practice in mind = no failures - it's always better! Before you talk to someone rehearse it in your mind and set it! Before you know it, that certainty will come easier and easier! But, we have to get started. Don't let fear get in the way of you living your best life!
Anthony Robbins in motion behind me! Woo Hoo! :D
The Quality of Our  Life = The Quality of Our Emotions

So, daily I am applying these lessons I learned and I hope you will too! I am also doing the intensive in October in Dallas and I can't wait to see where I will go from here! My goal is to empower people to be their best selves - I focus on the physical, but will never get anywhere if the mindset is not there for change! I am working to incorporate this into my nutrition and wellness programs! Together, we can make a difference!

And, since I have gone long with Tony's part, I am going to make this a 2 or 3 parter! No regrets - I have shared what needs to be shared! I'd rather this all sink in than share more...till next time,
Go and Live with Passion! ~ me and Tony Robbins

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